Oh my God: The Audio Doc entered into BEA Festival of Media Arts
I just finished producing a 29-minute audio documentary. It’s the culmination of 18 years of collecting tape, engaging countless people on street corners, finding experts and asking one question: When was the last time you said, “Oh my God”? It’s been a remarkable journey of personal discovery through interviews, editing, writing, sound design and mixing. My collaborations included a story editor, a local composer and an audio colleague for a final mix.
The story contains five “chapters” that probe the phrase’s use in everyday conversations, landing on a surprising ending. The piece’s uniqueness is found in how investigating one seemingly invisible yet ubiquitous phrase can become a catalyst for much larger considerations about how we live together in a world of differing views and convictions.
I just submitted the audio doc to the BEA Festival of the Arts, a large competition created by the Broadcast Education Association. I excited to receive feedback from peers!